Saturday, February 28, 2009

Burnt and Tired

Many came but few suceeded. They ran, they jumped, they swam, Many attempted, few survived. In the process, I jumped, got burnt and treadwater for periods longer than I ever imagined. Now I am fully drained. Took me 20 minutes just to type this. Owwwww.

Friday, February 27, 2009


What is happening? Of recent I have been feeling both physically and mentally drained. What is going on? Arggg. I can no longer keep awake for long hours anymore.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The body still feels drained. Sigh.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Going Home

I have often thought what it is like to be out there on my own. Living my own life, carving out my career, making another place a home away from home. Time passes and we meet with many trails and tribulations in life. We meet people and we meet with the various aspects out there. When things get to hard, we try to overcome the issues and try to act responsibly.

Even when we are out there, doing what we do best, there is always a place in your heart which yearns for home. Not the home away from home but your true home. The place of where you grew up. The place where you learnt to be a person. The place where you seeked refuge in your younger days. The place where you took your first steps. The place where your parents first held you when you came in to this world. Home.

Never doubt yourself when making the decision on going home. Even if the place has changed, we can all still go home. For home is where the heart is.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A Heavy Pile

There lies before me a heavy pile. Ooooh...... got to clear it tomorrow. Bwahahahaha! I hope. Sob sob sob sob sob.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Can't Sleep......The Pain......The Pain

AHHH! My ankles hurts each time I roll on my matress. The pain! The pain! I can not get to proper sleep. Owwww!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Last Of It?

I sent the books out yesterday and it may be the last thing ever. Closure is required for I am getting nowhere.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Injured......Again injured ankle is acting up again. It hurts really bad. I hope to recover soon. It really sucks to limp around when I walk. Too much strain on the other leg.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


I am soooo tired. There is something physically wrong with me. I just do not have any energy for anything. Arggggg.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Cheated Of A Badge

Everyone was happily going to Queenstown Stadium today to do their badge test. A call was made on Tuesday to the stadium office regarding the availibility of the track for general public use and they had confirmed that there is no activity. Sigh. We went down and the International Indian School was setting up for their sports day. Argggg! Everybody went from good mood and high spirits to one of disappointment.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Drill Shock

The boys were surprised by the amount of drills they had to put in, thinking that it would be an easy walk in the park. Tensions were running high and I hope that they will improve upon themselves in future. Their drills, after much practice was good and there was significant improvement towards the end. Things are not as easy as they think. I hope that they will endure all this and become excellent drill instructors.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


I think my foot may be injured. I have a hard time walking with my heel and ankles hurting each time I walk. Owww!