Tuesday, September 06, 2005

late night quiz

had my m363 quiz only at 9pm today. it was so late as i was taking the quiz with the part timers. the part timers class was so cosy, only 8 people including me. we had a comical cloud question.

a picture of 3 clouds was shown, listing to one side. it is indicated that the clouds are in the atmospheric boundary layer. the question ask the testee to indicate the direction of the cloud movement and explain why. i answered that the clouds are moving from right to left. this is because at the base of the boundary layer, velocity is zero. as the lower end of the clouds are closer to the base, therefore the velocity is lower than the top edge of the cloud. thus, with the lower end moving slower, it trails the top end of the cloud. therefore the clouds are moving from right to left.

the other question was a bit more tedious due to the ,ultiple integration. overall, i felt the test was doable and i hope i pass. heeez. don't want to repeat the module again.


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