Friday, September 04, 2009


Today's news had the following headline: "Credit Card holders liability to be $100". It seems that after such a long long time, something right is happening. Afterall, with the way infocom works these days, it is not too dificult to lift somebody's credit card information and misuse it. AMEX has had this clause for years but the other banks never seem to deem it fit. To them, it was money lost which they would have difficulty in recovering, similar to writing off bad debts, which equates to bad business. I am just amazed at how this agreement was pulled off really.

On a side note, with the English Premier League broadcast rights up for bids soon, I see another sad sad episode for fellow football mad Singaporeans. Singapore is too small to have 2 pay TV operators bidding over their heads for the rights. I am agreeable on the fact that we should not let a foreign broadcast provider, such as ESPN, take on the mantle and then resulting in pay-tv subscribers being passed on the cost from the pay-tv provider, such as StarHub, in Singapore. However, back when ESPN had the supposed Monopoly, watching pay-tv Sports was not too expensive. In fact, it could be considered affordable seeing as pay-tv is very much a luxury. When Starhub decided to go in on their own and won the broadcasting rights over ESPN, that was when everyone suddenly took noticed of how much they were paying for this luxury. In fact, the signs were there when we were being charged on top of the usual Sports Subscription Packages for the rights to watch World Cup. From then on, it was no more for me. In fact, the whole notion of paying over the top for pay-tv sports is getting ridiculous and smacks full of criminal liability. In case you are wondering, I was once a pay-tv subscriber myself but have since stopped. I have been living purely on free-to-air channels and I feel that it is sufficient to keep me informed and entertained. I get my dosage of what is not available on local tv via legal video and news clips online. I do not see the need to pirate anything off the internet and simply put, I still think that the TV is very much still the Idiot Box. Although, the PC is fast becoming the new one.


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