Saturday, August 15, 2009

Image Among Friends

How often have you asked a friend out or to meet them somewhere and they lament that they are not properly attired or have a bad hair day or just don't look presentable? Sometimes, we have to admit that these excuses are given by some just to avoid meeting up with the person. Personally, I have heard it to the point that I don't even need to hear the end of it and just put down the phone or just walk off.

However, there are moments when said friend feel that they are not presentable because they are in a state of comfort wear. More often than not, comfort wear does not glorify any sense of beauty or makes one looks ok. It is often what we wear at home when we want to be comfortable. As such, when requested to meet up, we do not want to show our friends this side of our personality.

I know of some females previously who will never meet their friends if they are wearing glasses and not their contacts. I also know of some former friends who will never be caught dead going out without any make-up at all, MALE and female inclusive. They claim that all this is basic courtesy. Personally, I think it is all media's fault. We have all been brainwashed by the media about what is acceptable and what is not.

I do agree that meeting up with a friend without brushing one's hair or brushing one's teeth can be considered as having not met basic courtesy. This is true as it is a matter of personal hygiene. However, if two people are truly friends, would how a friend looks or dresses dictates how deep the friendship is or how long it lasts? I do not think so. We have too many shallow people who puts so much emphasis on outlook that can ignore a certain person just because they have too many pimples or are balding.

When among friends, I feel that it is a moment when we are at comfort. It is a time of bonding or a time to catchup. Would we want to feel the discomfort or girdles, toupees, high-heels, wigs or even, pardon my brashness ladies, undersized bras to give that "uplifting" effect? To have to stretch this or scratch that, rub this or massage that throughout the entire conversation. It would cause the entire event to be so UNCOMFORTABLE.

Therefore it is to my belief that among friends, as long as we have met the minimum of personal hygeine, it is okay to be as comfortable as you want. As long as the ocassion or the location allows it, be as comfortable as you want. There is no saying that one cannot wear the 3S (Singlets, Shorts and Slippers) and stroll down Orchard Road. Among friends, image does not really matter at all. For if it does, do you still want such people as your friends?


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