Monday, September 25, 2006

Move & Search

Moving On
Humans are never meant to remain at a single spot for long. From young, we often hear our parents or elders asking to move along. "Go on, move along and search......" was what we must be used to hearing. As our life stages move on, we too have to keep moving and search for the next pathway.......

Year on year, we have worked. Be it bumming or slogging, we have in a way worked for our living. But, what have we really done? Is there any meaning to what we do? Is there any necessity to what we do? Do we truly need this so-called advancement in life?

As close as 1000 years ago, there was no need to process the water from any source before we drank it. Everyone just drank it and lived happily. The amount of diseases back then, as far back as the 5000 years of Chinese History, were few. Definitely much less then what we have today. So, did our so-called advancement in technology cause all these mutations? Or have we become more deficient ourselves? Most probably, no one can be sure.......

I would be the first to raise my hand up to admit that more often than not I have found my comfort zone to be very comfortable and refused to budge. However, what many of us do not realise is that, there is another comfort zone out there. One which is much much more comfortable than the current one. Why do we not reach the other comfort zone then? Although it is a much more comfortable zone, we have psyched ourselved too much to the point that we do not want to work towards attaining another level of comfort. Sad but true......

Malcolm & Eileen will be entering into the next phase of their marriage soon. Thanks to Eileen, apparently my emcee partner this Saturday is supposedly taller than me. Ah well, I know of someone who is shorter than me and I believe would do very well in the role too. No, it ain't Karen, she is history past. However, this lady does not know either Malcolm or Eileen at all, and we separated on an acrimonious note, so it might not be such a good idea......

A week long activity near her home. With the journey much shortened, I guess she should not have any more grouses about the long journey home. Glad to hear that she is back to her cheerful self again. This road which I had charted initially seems to be narrowing as the days go by. With no clear path in sight, soon I will have to make the decision to go on to another route. Moving along this journey alone, I am getting very tired, very very tired......

轉身離開 (你有話說不出來) 分手說不出來
海鳥跟魚相愛 只是一場意外
我們的愛(給的愛) 差異一直存在 (回不來)
風中塵埃 (等待) 竟累積成傷害

轉身離開 (分手說不出來) 分手說不出來
蔚藍的珊瑚海 錯過瞬間蒼白
當初彼此(你我都) 不夠成熟坦白 (不應該)
熱情不再 (你的) 笑容勉強不來 愛深埋珊瑚海

Day 094


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