Sunday, September 17, 2006

One Step

Was out with Roy today where we talked about our various experiences applying for SIA. Alas, the power to be are so stuck up that they refuse to even grant late bloomers as myself a single interview. Eh, so what if I never passed 5 'O' Level subjects in one sitting, I pushed on and in the end I still managed to graduate from a local University, coming up through the Polytechnic route no less.

In the I just walked around town looking for a new water bottle but could not find one in the color I liked. Ah well, looks like no water bottle for another couple more days. Saw Herman while moving around aimlessly. We chatted some and caught up with out ongoings since we last met. Things are still status quo for him while for me, it could be much better.

For everything that we want, we have to take that first step. How long we take to arrive, is not the issue. If we do not even take that first step, we will never get there.

Day 086


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