undergrad chased out of lecture!?
the unthinkable happened yesterday. a yr4 NTU undergrad was publicly chastised and sent packing from the LT. oh my! he is one super unlucky person. the lecturer is not what you would term anal-retentive. us students also got to take most of the blame for the lecturers are always having to get us to settle down when we enter the LT, resulting in loss of lecture time. after that student got chased out, a handphone suddenly went off. the look shot by the lecturer could kill! WHO'S THAT! he boomed. the student quickly apologize, albeit meekly. next thing to be heard were bags rustling as everyone struggled to get their respective handphones turned to silent mode before anything drastic happens. sometimes, in this world, even though we are adults, it is still that bit of reprimanding, making us feel like kids again, which actually get anything done. hahahaha.
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