Saturday, September 11, 2010

Finally, Something Right

For a very long time I never supported the notion of having a casino in Singapore. Even the design and layout of the supposed IRs have the casino at a main throughfare or a central location, without placing emphasis on it. That is plain spit in the face to the government. At least finally they did something right and stopped the IRs from having free shuttle buses in the heartlands. Just a thought, if the ministers claim that the casino is meant for the foreigners, why not just ban the locals from going into the casino like South Korea? Stopping the buses is a step in the right direction but I think until a complete ban occurs, the gaming problem and social ills will still plague Singapore. Or is the government not willing to ban the locals outright because of the entry levy that they ar epocketing handsomely? Just like how they refuse to ban cigarette, cigar or other form of tobacco or opiate smoking in Singapore because they bring in plenty of tax dollars even though of the health ills. Banning illegal cigarettes is useless. Or spending plenty of tax dollars on stopping them is counter productive. Ban it totally, like how it is in Bhutan. Smoking doesn't affect those who smokes, it is those who are forced to be second-hand smokers who suffer. What do I mean by forced? Like when the wind changes direction and blows the cigarette smoke into the bus stop even though the idiot is "5meters" away or having to pass through a cloud of cigarette smoke when entering Vivocity (those who alight at the bus stop right at the doorstep of Vivocity know what I mean) or having an idiot of a neighbour who is not allowed to smoke in the living room but goes to his room, opens his window and smokes, causing his cigarette smoke to whaff into the other unsuspecting households?! If you can ban chewing gum, why not cigarettes?


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