Sunday, November 09, 2008

Look Again

There are times in our lives when we were bullied or cheated by someone. Due to situation such as this, from then on, some of us could only see the bad in everyone. Sometimes, even people such as ourselves, non-bullies or non-cheaters, make mistakes and inadvertently hurt someone. As such, not only did we not do any good by our good intentions, we may have cause the person to close their eyes to all the good things that happens in this world. In this world, good and bad co-exists in an equilibrium. It is up to the individual to decide which to focus upon. Too often we have been critical on others, focusing on their mistakes and faults, when in fact we should have tried to focused on the good and encourage it. Next time a situation or incidents happens infront of you, look again. You might be surprised by what you might see and feel happier.


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