Thursday, February 09, 2006

how accurate are online IQ tests?

been doing online IQ tests for fun since my poly days. never knew how accurate the online versions are but my results are always in the range of 131-145. even though different websites, they all claim i am good with numbers and am a concrete thinker. hmmm......i wonder how accurate it is.

an exerpt from my latest online IQ test report:
Your test results indicate that the way you process information makes you a Concrete Thinker.

You have unusually strong verbal and numerical skills. This dynamic combination gives you an exceptional aptitude for solving equations and then communicating those solutions to others in lay terms. Your intelligence is grounded and based on a very clear interpretation of what is happening around you. Because you are so realistic, most things are crystal clear to you, while others may get confused by this or that.

Your objective is to make things real and clear. People count on you to find and give the sober, cold-hard facts. You learn most easily when things are explained in numbers and words and so you enjoy the education you get through books and lectures. Unlike others, you do not have to experience something first-hand to understand it, nor do you have a lot of interest in how things work mechanically. On the other hand, if you find the information in your books or lectures too abstract, you might tend toward first-hand experience as you'll get nothing but the facts that way.


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