Wednesday, February 08, 2006


i look around everywhere and what do i see? i see everyone trying to confrom to a norm. heck, even i am guilty of being so once. i wanted to be slim. not so much for health sake but rather to win the heart of one or two fair maidens. this is so wrong. i have never conformed. i never liked to conform. if i did, i would have a much larger group of friends. it is hard work being a non-conformist. the constant barrage, the jibes, the insults. been there, live through that. some would just label non-conformist as plain lazy but i feel that it is the conformist who are afraid because if you are a non-conformist, you are not one of them. you are one of yourself. unique. who cares about what people think. if the gal of my dreams can not accept me for the way i am, then obviously i am not suited for her.


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