Saturday, April 02, 2011

Tired From Driving

Out on a guy's night out with a buddy of mine last night. His wife is recrupreating at TMC and he wanted some company last night. Having just got himself a new car, BMW 318i, he was driving the 320 last night because his car was in the workshop and they gave him a t-loan car. He has worked very hard to be at where he is and he did mentioned that his mum and wife were the reason he worked so hard. I wish I have my reason.

It was great driving around in the 320. I think I got spoiled. Haha. It felt really great. The handling, the pickup. Hwah! It was so silent even at high speed. His place at Sengkang is an EC but it had a million dollar view. I stayed in his guestroom and it had a great view of Punggol Park with no obstruction expected.

When I have found my significant other, I believe I will be like him and work myself hard. He did say one reason why I may seem worlds away from him is because I have my focus on seeing the world, while for him it is about providing for his family. However, our interests are so similar that we enjoy the same things. Hmm......when will my significant other appear?


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