Friday, April 23, 2010


It was really unexpected. I got a commendation for my performance during my ICT. During our debrief from our just concluded ICT, my CO awarded me a Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Performance during the ICT. When I heard my name mentioned, I was dumbstruck. It was similar to the feeling I got when I was announced as the Platoon Best Trainee during my BMT.

I never expected to be commended for my performance and still cannot think of what I really did to deserve the commendation. I did my duties as did my other mates. True, I was the in-charge but we all pulled our share of work and put in efforts that were not any less from each other. When I was asked why I got the award, my reply was, "I guess at ICTs, us guys are more concerned about getting the job done properly and swiftly then dealing with unnecessary office politics." Everyone had a good laugh when I said it.

Maybe that is why I thrive in an environment where office politics are little or non-existent.
- performance is seen as a whole and not isolated incidents
- you are able to give and knowing that the person next to you is also giving
- when your actions benefits everyone instead of the select few
- when there is no need to worry about who gets promoted first
- when you do not have to backstab or worry about being backstabbed
you will perform better.

I would like to thank my officers and specialists in putting me up for this commendation and also to my fellow mates for the hard work we put in togther for this ICT. This is our final ICT together, with the structure changes in place, but you have been a great bunch to work with. All the best in your future endeavours and I hope we meet again.


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