Saturday, June 13, 2009

Run Of The Mill (Part 5)

Shortly after leaving the insurance company, Niv landed a job with a shipping firm as a Pricing Assistant. Well, it was not exactly what he had in mind and the pay was not fantastic but at least he had some income while searching for a permanent job.

When he arrived at the firm, he was told that he will be covering for a colleague who was about to leave while the company was looking for a full time staff. I was thinking why not me. However, I forgot. Too often in Singapore, any jobs meant for degree holders are really meant only for degree holders with 1st or 2nd Upper Class Honors. Those with 2nd Lower or 3rd Class honors could still land jobs but not in any government agencies, statutory board or MNCs. Well, a few of them do still get in but they are few and far between. Often those with a degree not any of the above would find great difficulty in landing a job as they are deemed over qualified for jobs meant for diploma holders but not good enough for jobs meant for degree holders. The only exceptions are for degrees from the top universities in US or UK. Even with a pass degree, they are very much sought after by the local companies.

Coming into the shipping industry has been one of the wish places Niv had when he graduated. He was assigned to work in the trade department and to aid with all Middle-East outbound shipments. It was really an experience to have, working with colleagues from the Middle East. Often he worked late into the night because his counterparts are 5 hours behind and they do not work Fridays but on Sundays. Every Monday, his Inbox is always flooded with quotation approvals. Haha. Life was great and he really loved the job there. He made quite a few friends there too. People like Kong, Ling and Real were really great to work with and never hesitated to show him the proper methods and the ropes.

One day, he happened to see Sue while in town, one of the assistants at the insurance agency.

"Hey Sue!"

"Hello. How have you been?"

"Still the same, could be better. I am working for a shipping agency as a temporary worker currently while searching for a proper job. You?"

"Ah! Life sucks. The crazy woman is going nuts and I cannot stand that environment anymore. I want to get out of there!"

"I was never happy there, that is why I left. Maybe you should too. Have you tried looking around?"

"Yup but I cannot land a job relevant to my diploma. I want to go back to my roots. You got any offers?"

"For myself, still searching. For you, I can try to help you keep a lookout. Are you willing to temp at some place first while searching for a new job?"

"Maybe but I am so used to where I am now."

"Get out of there, silly girl. You are not happy there. I see what I can do but for your own sake, leave. Anyway, even if you stay on, it will not help your career much. It does not build on your diploma and I do not think that crazy woman is going to pay you much either."

"Ok, I will see how things work out first."

Well, things did change for the better later on. Not long after they met, one of the Directors asked Niv if he had anybody to recommend as a temp as they had an opening to fill for about 2 months. 2 staff are going to be taking leave consecutively and they needed someone to come in to cover for them while in their absence. I mentioned that I had a possibility and if he is willing to speak to Sue.

I picked up the phone and called Sue, "Quit your job now and come join me!"

"What?!?! What are you talking about?"

"There is a temp opening coming up for 2 months. Take this opportunity and get out now! Plus, they pay about the same as what you are being paid now. You will be happier here. Trust me."


"No buts. How long is your notice period?"

"7 days"

"Ok, come over and talk to the Director. Once he confirms, go and tender your resignation."


"Stop saying but. Get out of there you silly gal. I will arrange for you to meet the Director tomorrow. The appointment is fixed. Just show up."


Just like that, Sue left the insurance company and joined Niv at the shipping firm. Initially, Sue could not get used to leaving her comfort zone but she soon warmed up to the current post. She was so happy that Niv pulled her out and she mentioned that another of the assistant was also not happy.

"Hey Niv, Rev is not happy either."

"Well, maybe we can check with HR to see if there is any opening. No guarantees. We have to get her out of there soon though. Haha."

"Yeah. You are really bad, taking away all the staff."

"Hey, if you were happy there, would you come? Plus, we still do not know the situation with the firm or Rev. Let us just wait and see."

Maybe, just maybe, that period was a lucky time for Rev as the firm soon had an opening in another department. Sue called Rev up and asked her to come for the interview. Things were really messy for Rev as Niv's previous manager refused to allow Rev to leave. In the end, Rev managed to strike an agreement and soon joined Niv and Sue at the shipping firm. Since then, Sue had managed to find a job relevant to her roots after her temp assignment was over. For Rev, the last Niv heard, she was still at the shipping firm.

Niv's temp assignment was coming to an end too. However, he had yet to land any interviews or job. To take his mind off, he decided to fly to Shanghai to spend some time with his junior from the university.


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