Saturday, December 03, 2005

causeway blues

i was headed into jb today with my cousin for some business. feeling the need for some exercise, we decided to walk across the causeway. seeing that there was a cyclist that cycled across the causeway, we approached the immigration officer and asked him how would a cyclist get acrosss the customs. turn out, the cyclist would clear the customs via the motorcycle lane. oh my, one would suffocate and nearly die before one can get on the causeway. i don;t think me and bikey would be making this route one of our potential routes.

when we reached the road level of the causeway, what greeted us at the singapore side of the causeway was a stinking stench of rubbish. the stench was so overwhelming that i could not bear to stay and take a photo shot. we also saw a couple of lorries attempting to cut queue and we were forced to hear the blaring protests of the other lorries. and the lorries cut queue by running over the road divider. so bloody dangerous! Attempted Barraging 1Attempted Barraging 2A Successful Attempt
Successfully Cut Queuewondering why i mentioned the rubish on singapore side??Cleaner Side Of The Causeway look at the malaysian side above and i wonder how on earth we can pride ourselves as a clean and green city when the customs checkpoint reeks badly.


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