Friday, November 25, 2005

out the whole day

after the tiring day the day before, i was hoping to have a day of rest. alas, i had to attend a followup medical appointment at sgh clnic j. also, my mum and granny wanted to go in to jb to have a look at the rice cooker that we were sharing for my cousin's housewarming gift. i left home and went to the hopital early as i did not want to be backlogged and had to wait for eons before it was my turn. my number was 1410 so i sat outside the doctors room and waited. the buzzer came on and it was 1401! arggg! at that time it was already 2.20pm and my appointment was supposed to be 2.05pm. by the time i got to see the doctor it was 2.45pm! grumble grumble mutter mutter. forget better facilities, i want shorter waiting time!
When is it going to be 1410?

after my apointment was over, headed to kranji to meetup with my mum and granny. we headed into jb and my standard operating procedure dictates that must buy ice-cream. so after we cleared the malaysian customs, as we were passing the petrol station heading to city square, i went in to get 2 walls cornettos. guess how much they cost? only RM2.20. i was like? i thought one was RM2.20 not 2 for RM2.20. when i converted the amount back to singapore dollars, it was like around 50cents for a cornetto royale only! wow! and they cost bloody S$2.50 EACH in singapore.

after we were done with my main motive of going in, we headed over to johor's carrefour to have a look at the rice cookers there. there were only 3 cookers good enough that were worth considering. one was takada, one was national and the last one was pensonic. yes, pensonic, not panasonic.
Takada Rice Cooker
National Rice Cooker
Pensonic Rice Cooker
It was pretty hard to decide between the trio as they each had their own advantage. in the end we settled for takada because it had valid warranty in singapore but also becuase it was a reliable brand.

after the purchase we headed back to the malaysian customs to return back to singapore. at the malaysian customs side, i bought a ramly burger, a very popular beef burger, as a snack for later. at the singapore customs side, my bag was opened for inspection after the x-ray machine detected something. upon inspection, the customs office found the ramly burger. i was informed that the burger was not allowed into singapore and they had to confiscate and dispose of it. apparently, beef, chicken, mutton and pork, whether cooked or uncooked, from china, indonesia, malaysia, thailand and vietnam, are not allowed to be imported into singapore. that includes kfc, mcdonald's and barbecued pork or bak-kwas. so now we know. don't say i never warn you here.

when we arrived back at kranji mrt, the night race had just ended and the crowd was just pouring out. we were worried that we could not get on to smrt service 961 but thankfully, most of the turf club patrons were boarding another bus. by the time our bus arrived, we at least managed to get seats and the bus was not overly packed.Turf Club Uncles

i am so dead tired now, i just want to quickly shower and just sleepzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


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