Tuesday, December 06, 2005

bad injuries

met up today with some of the guys to play football after my fyp. only 6 of us were there, making it a very exhausting 3-on-3. after about an hour, while resting, we were approached by some young kids wanting to play a game. we obliged them but did not look down on them as we were old men and were tired. their style of play was pretty physical and when they went for goal, it was not with placement but power. halfway during the game, wee chong got pushed and suffered a dislocated shoulder. damn these young punks! don't their professor parents teach them at all? we continued for a while more, and in the process my wrist got strained. dman, it hurts now. after wee chong had settled with his dad for emergency evacuation, we ended the game. no point continuing on if we were going to get injured one after the other. it is just a game, not a fight!


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