Saturday, October 04, 2008

Thoughts and Gratitude

I have been to many places but none has held my heart more dearly than NZ. Yes, I was happy when I celebrated my 26th birthday in Shanghai with Sweetie and when Sunshine accompanied to Taiwan on my 27th birthday. Sadly, this year, it is very likely that there will be no one accopanying me when I make my return to NZ shortly after my 28th birthday. Since graduating, for 2 years in a row, I have been blessed with the company of the person I like when I am overseas and I am really hoping it will occur again this year.

Rather than saying words which will sway your heart, I am going to throw caution into the wind and bring you to the ends of this world.

I am thankful to the ladies who have been a part of my life and helped me become a better person. I have spent my life exploring and I know without your patience and guidance, I would not have become the person that I am today. Your honesty though brutal but at various moments have placed me in my place and shown me the real me. I have hidden when I could not handle the honesty that you all have given me but for the few who believed in me, I thank you for bringing me out again. You have all been my special angels.

Was listening to s song a friend of mine had put on her blog. The song struck me not so much about the tune but about the lyrics. It is an issue I hold close to my heart. The hustle and bustle or the dog-eat-dog world that we live in now, no longer allows us to sit back and enjoy the simplicities of life. So much so, that we are starting to forget what life is all about and we have forgotten who we really are. We are worshipping a lifestyle which many of us do not realise why we are going after and forgetting that through it all, the true riches in life is at home, where home is still the castle upon where our dreams are built upon. When we grow tired and burntout for an ideal which we have no idea why we are going after and after the many setbacks that we meet in life, returning to the simplicities of life will allow us to relook at life in a diffferent perspective altogether and find ourselves again. The song? Jay Chou's 稻香.


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