Tuesday, January 09, 2007

money or time

It has always been said that the experinces a man goes through in life includes, birth, school, career, marriage, children and death. The instrument for gauging these experiences is money.

Some said that when humans were created, their souls were split into 2. That is why, we keep searching for our other half. Some will find it, others might never find it or they might have found the wrong half.

In my mere 26 years on this earth, I have finally realised that the most difficult thing to earn is not money but time. If one can make a decision earlier, then one can be with the person they like earlier. For a parent, they have reserved most of their time for their kids. They would like to accompany their kids in their activities. How about you? For whom have you reserved your time for?

In life, time is fair to everyone. Everyone has the right to decide how to use his or her own time. You may be idle and allow time to just pass you by. Or, you can take hold of it and work hard for your own happiness. If you were to leave the world in the next minute, with whom do you want to spend this last minute with?


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